R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment

Creating Cinematic Experiences

We bring stories to life through the art of filmmaking. Click one of the buttons to skip principles and go straight to our team or projects in development. There is also a button for our unique Mental and Physical Health and Safety Program for Minors/Childhood actors.

Our Team Our Work Health

Our Principles

  1. Diversity and Inclusion: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our productions. We strive to represent diverse backgrounds, cultures, races, genders, sexual orientations, and abilities both in front of and behind the camera. Our casting, hiring, and storytelling decisions should reflect this commitment.
  2. Respectful Work Environment: We believe in maintaining a respectful work environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and professionalism. All employees, cast, and crew members are expected to treat each other with respect, dignity, and fairness. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of mistreatment will not be tolerated.
  3. Ethical Conduct: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations. We expect all employees, cast, and crew members to act with integrity, honesty, and transparency. Unethical practices, including bribery, corruption, or any form of illegal activities, will not be tolerated.
  4. Content Guidelines: Our movies should entertain and engage audiences while adhering to responsible storytelling. We strive to create content that respects the values and sensitivities of diverse audiences. We avoid gratuitous violence, explicit sexual content, and excessive profanity unless it serves a legitimate artistic or narrative purpose. We also ensure that our content does not promote hate speech, discrimination, or harmful stereotypes.
  5. Accuracy and Authenticity: We aim for accuracy and authenticity in our storytelling. While artistic liberties are sometimes necessary, we encourage thorough research and fact-checking to maintain credibility. We respect the cultural, historical, and social contexts of the stories we tell and strive to represent them accurately.
    1. <<-- R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment employs several measures to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of their storytelling -->>

    2. Thorough Research: The company emphasizes the importance of thorough research for each project. This includes studying the subject matter, historical events, cultural contexts, and relevant aspects of the story. Research teams are assigned to gather accurate information and provide guidance to the creative teams.
    3. Fact-Checking: The company has a dedicated team responsible for fact-checking the script, dialogues, and story elements. They verify the accuracy of information, dates, locations, and any other details that are integral to the narrative. This helps maintain credibility and avoid factual inaccuracies.
    4. Subject Matter Experts: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment collaborates with subject matter experts who have deep knowledge and expertise in specific areas related to the story. These experts may include historians, cultural consultants, scientists, or professionals from relevant fields. Their input ensures that the portrayal of specific subjects or themes is accurate and authentic.
    5. Collaboration with Communities: When telling stories that involve specific communities, R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment actively engages with members of those communities. This collaboration helps ensure that their perspectives, experiences, and cultural nuances are accurately represented. The company seeks their input, feedback, and guidance throughout the creative process.
    6. Sensitivity Readers: In cases where stories involve marginalized or underrepresented communities, R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment may employ sensitive readers. These individuals, who belong to the respective communities, review the script and offer insights to ensure that the portrayal is respectful, authentic, and free from harmful stereotypes.
    7. Consultation with Professionals: The company maintains a network of professionals from various fields who can provide guidance and expertise. This includes professionals from legal, medical, scientific, or technical backgrounds, depending on the nature of the story. Consulting with these professionals helps ensure accuracy in the representation of their respective fields.
    8. Feedback and Reviews: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment encourages internal and external feedback on their projects. This includes seeking feedback from industry professionals, test screenings with diverse audiences, and engaging in dialogue with critics and viewers. This feedback helps identify areas where accuracy and authenticity can be improved.
    9. Continuous Learning: The company promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. They stay updated on new research findings, historical discoveries, and evolving perspectives. This ongoing learning process helps the creative teams refine their storytelling techniques and maintain accuracy and authenticity in their projects.

      <<-- By implementing these measures, R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment strives to ensure that their storytelling is grounded in accurate information, respectful of cultural contexts, and authentic to the experiences being portrayed. -->>

  6. Social and Environmental Responsibility: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment is dedicated to minimizing its environmental impact and promoting social responsibility. We encourage sustainable production practices, such as reducing waste, recycling, and using eco-friendly materials whenever possible. Additionally, we support initiatives that contribute positively to the communities where we operate.
  7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: We are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry guidelines. This includes intellectual property rights, copyright laws, labor laws, and other legal requirements specific to the entertainment industry. Our employees, cast, and crew members must familiarize themselves with these rules and ensure compliance.
  8. Privacy and Data Protection: R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment respects the privacy and data protection rights of individuals involved in our productions. We handle personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. We take appropriate measures to secure personal data, maintain confidentiality, and obtain necessary consents.
  9. Health and Safety: The health and safety of our employees, cast, and crew members are of paramount importance. We adhere to all relevant health and safety regulations and provide a safe working environment. We conduct risk assessments, implement safety protocols, and provide necessary training to minimize potential hazards on set.
  10. Continuous Improvement: We strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations. We encourage feedback, suggestions, and innovative ideas from our employees, cast, and crew members to enhance our processes, practices, and productions. We are committed to staying abreast of industry trends and evolving standards.

About Us - Our Team

Robert Clyde Rockefeller

Robert Clyde Rockefeller

Rick Baker

Rick Baker

Tisha Vaculin

Tisha Vaculin

Reno Reez

Reno Reez

We are a team of passionate filmmakers dedicated to creating stunning visual content. With years of experience in the industry, we are committed to delivering high-quality productions that captivate audiences.

Our Productions



Stem Evolution

Stem Evolution

Stem War Scrolls

Stem War Scrolls

Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea - Wrath of Poseidon

Law of the Sea - Wrath of Poseidon

A Fairies Tale

A Fairies Tale



Contact Us

Standard and Practice for R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment Mental and Physical Health and Safety Program for Minors

  1. Introduction

    R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment is committed to ensuring the mental and physical health and safety of minors involved in its operations. This Standard and Practice document outlines guidelines for implementing a comprehensive program that incorporates the expertise of guidance counselors, child advocates, and mental health experts.

  2. Program Objectives

    The objectives of the mental and physical health and safety program for minors are as follows:

    • Promote the overall well-being and resilience of minors.
    • Provide a safe and healthy environment for minors to address their mental and physical health concerns.
    • Prevent and detect any mental or physical health issues early among minors.
    • Facilitate timely intervention and access to appropriate mental and physical health resources.
    • Ensure the confidentiality and privacy of minors' health information.
    • Foster a culture of understanding, empathy, and support for minors.
  3. Roles and Responsibilities

    a. R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment Management:

    • Allocate necessary resources for the implementation of the mental and physical health and safety program.
    • Establish policies and procedures to support the program.
    • Promote a culture of open communication and destigmatize health concerns among minors.
    • Collaborate with guidance counselors, child advocates, mental health experts, and other relevant professionals to ensure effective implementation.

    b. Guidance Counselors:

    • Provide individual and group counseling services to minors.
    • Conduct regular mental health assessments and screenings.
    • Develop personalized mental health plans for minors.
    • Collaborate with other professionals to address mental health concerns effectively.
    • Maintain confidentiality and adhere to ethical guidelines.

    c. Child Advocates:

    • Advocate for the rights and well-being of minors.
    • Identify and address any child protection concerns.
    • Collaborate with guidance counselors and mental health experts to provide holistic support.
    • Facilitate communication between minors, their families, and the organization.

    d. Mental Health Experts:

    • Provide specialized mental health services to minors, if required.
    • Conduct mental health training and workshops for minors, staff, and parents or legal guardians.
    • Support guidance counselors and child advocates in complex cases.
    • Advise management on mental health policies and initiatives.
  4. Program Implementation

    a. Training and Education:

    • Provide comprehensive mental health training to all staff members, including supervisors and managers working with minors.
    • Conduct regular workshops to educate minors on maintaining mental and physical well-being, stress management, and self-care strategies.
    • Educate parents or legal guardians about supporting their child's mental and physical health needs.

    b. Mental Health Component:

    • Conduct regular mental health assessments and screenings to detect any issues.
    • Provide counseling services to minors, both individually and in group settings, addressing concerns such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and social skills.
    • Develop personalized mental health plans for minors, considering their unique needs and circumstances.
    • Collaborate with other professionals to address mental health concerns effectively.

    c. Physical Health Component:

    • Promote physical health and wellness through educational programs and activities, including nutrition and exercise.
    • Conduct regular health check-ups and screenings to monitor the physical well-being of minors.
    • Ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place during physical activities.
    • Collaborate with healthcare professionals to address physical health concerns and provide necessary referrals.

    d. Collaboration and Referral:

    • Foster collaboration among guidance counselors, child advocates, mental health experts, and other relevant professionals.
    • Develop a network of external healthcare providers for referrals when necessary, ensuring seamless access to specialized care.
    • Maintain effective communication channels to facilitate information sharing and coordinated support for minors.

    e. Child Protection and Safety:

    • Implement robust child protection policies and procedures to ensure the overall safety and well-being of minors.
    • Provide training to staff on recognizing signs of abuse, neglect, or other child protection concerns.
    • Establish reporting mechanisms for suspected child protection issues and ensure appropriate follow-up actions.

    f. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement:

    • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the mental and physical health and safety program for minors.
    • Seek feedback from minors, parents or legal guardians, staff, and healthcare professionals to identify areas for improvement.
    • Make necessary adjustments to the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.
  5. Confidentiality and Privacy
    • Maintain strict confidentiality of minors' health information, adhering to legal and ethical guidelines.
    • Develop policies and procedures to ensure the secure storage and handling of health records.
    • Obtain appropriate consent from parents or legal guardians for sharing health information with relevant professionals.
  6. Conclusion

    R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment is dedicated to prioritizing the mental and physical health and safety of minors involved in its operations. By implementing a comprehensive program that integrates the expertise of guidance counselors, child advocates, and mental health experts, the organization aims to create a safe and supportive environment for minors. This Standard and Practice document provides guidelines for program objectives, roles and responsibilities, program implementation, confidentiality and privacy measures, and continuous improvement. By adhering to these standards, R.C. Rockefeller Entertainment commits to promoting the well-being of minors and ensuring their mental and physical health and safety.

Comprehensive safety protocols for preventing accidents and injuries among minors should address various aspects of their well-being. Here are some examples of such protocols:

  1. Supervision
    • Maintain appropriate staff-to-minor ratios to always ensure adequate supervision.
    • Assign trained and responsible staff members to oversee activities and monitor the behavior and safety of minors.
    • Implement a buddy system where minors are paired up to look out for each other.
  2. Facility Safety
    • Conduct regular inspections of facilities, equipment, and play areas to identify and address potential hazards.
    • Ensure that all structures, such as stages, sets, and props, are securely built and maintained to prevent accidents.
    • Install and maintain appropriate safety signage, including warnings, emergency exits, and evacuation routes.
  3. Emergency Preparedness
    • Develop and practice emergency response plans, including procedures for evacuations, medical emergencies, and natural disasters.
    • Conduct regular drills to familiarize staff and minors with emergency protocols.
    • Maintain adequate first aid supplies and ensure staff members are trained in basic first aid and CPR.
  4. Transportation Safety
    • Establish guidelines for the safe transportation of minors, whether it involves buses, vans, or other vehicles.
    • Conduct regular inspections and maintenance of vehicles to ensure they meet safety standards.
    • Implement seatbelt policies and ensure all minors are properly secured during transportation.
  5. Training and Education
    • Provide safety training to staff members, including orientation on safety protocols and procedures specific to working with minors.
    • Educate minors on safety rules and practices, including fire safety, personal hygiene, and appropriate behavior in different settings.
    • Offer specialized training for staff members working with specific equipment or in high-risk areas.
  6. Risk Assessment
    • Conduct regular risk assessments of activities, performances, and environments to identify potential hazards.
    • Modify or eliminate activities that pose an undue risk to minors' safety.
    • Provide clear guidelines and training on risk management, including how to identify and mitigate risks.
  7. Communication and Reporting
    • Establish clear channels of communication for reporting safety concerns, near-miss incidents, and accidents involving minors.
    • Encourage open dialogue between staff, minors, and parents or legal guardians regarding safety issues.
    • Implement incident reporting and investigation procedures to ensure that safety concerns are addressed promptly.